What is Vivitrol®?

Vivitrol® is a new, effective medication that is now available to treat both opiate and alcohol addiction. It blocks other opioids from acting on the receptors in the brain and can also help ease drug cravings. By blocking the effects of other opioids it takes away the pleasurable effect, which can help with preventing relapse.  This treatment can help you stop misusing opioids and alcohol and, when combined with counseling, can help you rebuild your life.

Vivitrol® is a once-per-month injection of the drug Naltrexone. Naltrexone has been used successfully to treat addiction since 1994 and since 2010 has been available as in injection under the name Vivitrol®. As opposed to Suboxone or Methadone, Vivitrol® doesn’t provide a “high”, but instead blocks the ability to get high. Along with curbing cravings, Vivitrol® helps the patient to escape the pull of heroin or other opioids without having to merely substitute one high (heroin) for another (Methadone or Suboxone)

Clinical trials have shown Vivitrol® to be effective in preventing not only relapse to drug use following detoxification, but also to diminish cravings that often drive it.

Nora D. Volkow, M.D.
Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse

Dr. Woolhandler is Pittsburgh’s premier Vivitrol® doctor. His practice near CMU sees patients from all over the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio.

Diane Sawyer of ABC News on Vivitrol®