Dr. Woolhandler's customized 4-day detox program can soften the most acute symptoms of withdrawl.

Dr. Woolhandler’s customized 4-day detox program can soften the most acute symptoms of withdrawl.

In order for Vivitrol® to work properly, you need to be completely detoxed off the opioid. That, of course, is the first major challenge on the road to recovery. Every patient is different, so no one-size-fits-all detox program can be very successful.

Dr. Woolhandler carefully crafts a custom 4-7 day detox for each patient based on their personal needs. Some patients experience some symptoms and not others. The most common symptoms of withdrawal that Dr. Woolhandler treats are:

  • Restlessness
  • Chills/sweats
  • Anxiety
  • Aches
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Low energy
  • Appetite loss
  • Diarrhea

Our personalized, custom treatment plan will directly target those symptoms you experience and will change as the symptoms change to give you the best possible chance at success.

We stick with you.

Some doctors and hospitals prescribe a generic detox program and invite you to come back when you’re detoxed. We stick with you. We will check on how you’re doing, and see if there is something we need to adjust to make the detox smoother.

Dr. Woolhandler’s 4 day detox is key to the success of his patients. Once you’re detoxed, you can proceed into Vivitrol® treatment and a comprehensive recovery program to get your life back.